Cottage Care

Everything you need to do for your home maintenance

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Everything you need to do for your home maintenance

Date: 07/27/2017 | Source:

The New York Times has compiled a master list that includes everything you need to do in regards to home maintenance annually. The tasks are sorted by season and location in the home. As it is currently summer, pay attention to the landscape and the sprinklers. This is also the best time to complete any repairs on the exterior of the house. One easy way to cool down the house is to set all your ceiling fans to spin counterclockwise, which pushes cool air down. Always have an emergency plan in place for evacuation, keep it current, and review it with the whole family.

The Annual Home Maintenance Checklist

Given the option, few of us would volunteer to spend a Sunday on a ladder pulling leaves out of a gutter. But when your home is your biggest investment, as it is for most Americans, maintaining it is a must. Home maintenance can feel like a daunting chore — particularly for a new homeowner who’s never seen a boiler up close, let alone drained one. But it doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. 

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