Cottage Care

Spruce up your wood finish this spring

> > Cottage Care > Spruce up your wood finish this spring

Spruce up your wood finish this spring

Is your deck looking a little outdated? Why not spruce it up yourself with a new wood finish? Steve Maxwell explains how to do it yourself with either a film-free finishing oil or a new low-film wood stain. Either way, we know your waterfront deck will end up looking like it is  brand new!

TECH TIP: Two Ways To Finish Outdoor Wood

Finishing wooden decks, fences, outdoor furniture, picnic tables and gazebos is not as simple as it looks, and too many people pay a high price for this illusion.

Are you painting correctly?

If you've run into problems painting your cottage, there's a chance you made one of these mistakes.  Bumpy paint means...

Landscaping responsibly

As cottagers, our natural environment is incredibly important. You can help by landscaping responsibly! Beautiful plants can be invasive, too....

Why stick with plain iced tea?

Sometimes a cold cup of ice tea hits the spot in the summertime.  Have you ever tried spicing up your...