Cottage Life

Stargazing tips

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Stargazing tips

Is there anything more beautiful than a clear sky cottage country night? If you know where to look, you can see the big dipper all year in Canada. "Early civilizations recognized a trend of where the Big Dipper at different times of the year and helped them prepare for the change of seasons. The Big Dipper is also used to locate the North Star – Polaris. Contrary to popular belief, Polaris is not the first star to come out at night or the brightest." For more great tips on stargazing in Canada, click the link!

Star gazing: No PhD required

Have you ever stepped outside on a clear moonless night and looked up? A couple dozen of the brightest stars might be seen from large cities, and smaller towns could reveal a hundred or so. To experience the majestic sky, travel to the lovely countryside away from stray lights. Now the sky explodes with an average of 3,000 stars at any given time. The awe-inspiring band is the distant glow of billions more. Our Sun is one of an estimated 200 billion stars that make up the Milky Way Galaxy. This is the same sky your distant ancestors witnessed throughout...

Delicious campfire foods to make in foil

Have you ever cooked with aluminum foil over a campfire at the cottage? If not, you're missing out.  Cottage Life...

Advice for family visits

One of the best parts of owning a cottage is spending time with family - but we all know it...

Quick appetizers to try this summer

What do you do when guests come by the cottage unexpectedly? Whip up one of these easy appetizers! Classics like...