Cottage Care

Keeping a cottage in the family

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Keeping a cottage in the family

Date: 08/01/2017 | Source:

For some, the preservation of family assets, such as a summer cottage, is a no brainer: with so many priceless family memories and the potential for more to be made in the future, why not pass the torch when the time comes? Pattie Lovett-Reid wants to make sure you consider all potential dilemmas before you decide to hand the keys over to your child or other family member. While a cottage that you hold dear to your heart may not seem a significant financial burden at present, it may become such to the person you pass on to. While we hope your cottage stays in your family for generations, if you do decide to sell Kawartha Waterfront Realty is here to help.

Pattie Lovett-Reid: Keeping the cottage in the family? Consider this first

Canadians love their cottages. In the interest of disclosure, we have just built our family cottage and have deemed the first two weekends of operation a success. It might seem strange, but we are already talking about what if our kids want to keep the cottage in the family. You have to wonder if it’s the wisest financial decision since it’s even a great emotional one.

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