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It’s HOT!

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It’s HOT!

It is very hot in Kawartha Lakes. It's so hot, there's an extreme heat warning that is expected to continue into next week! MyKawartha.com reported, "Daytime highs are expected to reach the low to mid-thirties with humidex values into the mid-forties. Overnight low temperatures will only fall to the low twenties, providing little or no relief from the heat." For tips on how to stay cool and places you can go if you do not have air conditioning, click the link! Stay cool and stay safe.

Environment Canada issues extreme heat warning for Kawartha Lakes for Canada Day weekend

Kawartha Lakes – Environment Canada has issued a special weather statement (extreme heat event) for the City of Kawartha Lakes for the Canada Day weekend. Environment Canada is warning that hot, humid weather will begin on Friday (June 29) and last into next week. Daytime highs are expected to reach the low to mid-thirties with humidex values into the mid-forties. Overnight low temperatures will only fall to the low twenties, providing little or no relief from the heat.   Heat related illnesses such as dehydration, heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke can be very dangerous especially for infants, older adults and...

Kudos to these locals!

The city of Kawartha Lakes has honoured eight people for their good deed! Kawartha Now reported, "Eight residents of Kawartha...

Fish habitats getting support

Habitats for fish are getting more protection with a new bill that passed recently.  Cottage Life said, "The Fisheries Act...

Attention bird watchers – white robin!

A white robin has been spotted in Peterborough.  MyKawartha.com reported, "We could not believe what we were seeing. It was...