Cottage Care

Cottages and estate planning

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Cottages and estate planning

Estate planning is incred-inline-blockly difficult, but cottages in particular can cause a huge headache. Your family members may disagree about what to do with the property. No matter who inherits it, maintenance costs and taxes need to be considered. Though it holds memories, selling the property may be the right decision. Make sure you talk to your lawyer and all your family members to ensure you are choosing the smartest, easiest decision.

A simple guide to estate planning

Planning your estate matters is first and foremost about having a will. But it can also be much more. A well-thought-out estate plan ensures that your family is cared for should something happen to you, and that your money goes where you want it to. It’s an important pillar of managing your wealth.

Are you painting correctly?

If you've run into problems painting your cottage, there's a chance you made one of these mistakes.  Bumpy paint means...

Landscaping responsibly

As cottagers, our natural environment is incredibly important. You can help by landscaping responsibly! Beautiful plants can be invasive, too....

Why stick with plain iced tea?

Sometimes a cold cup of ice tea hits the spot in the summertime.  Have you ever tried spicing up your...