Cottage Life

Cottages a great financial investment in this market

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Cottages a great financial investment in this market

"That’s where you can find fabulous parcels of land with incred-inline-blockle views and access to the world of nature that you just don’t get in the city." That is absolutely right! The housing market in the cities - and even in the suburbs has become very expensive and home prices are very high. Renovating a cottage in Kawartha Lakes could be a fun experience and a great financial investment! Check out the link for some great renovating tips from right in our area!

McAllister and Justin Ryan have tips to spruce up your cottage

As we all know by now, buying a home in Toronto or almost any city in Ontario is well beyond the budget of most people and falls into the category of an impossible dream. Or does it?  Those innovative interior designers and stylish men about town Colin McAllister and Justin Ryan think home ownership is quite possible, and here’s how. “For the longest time, people were speculating in the city,” says Justin. “Then the cities in Canada became so expensive that people became priced out into the suburbs. Then the suburbs became really expensive and the smart money started moving...

Delicious campfire foods to make in foil

Have you ever cooked with aluminum foil over a campfire at the cottage? If not, you're missing out.  Cottage Life...

Advice for family visits

One of the best parts of owning a cottage is spending time with family - but we all know it...

Quick appetizers to try this summer

What do you do when guests come by the cottage unexpectedly? Whip up one of these easy appetizers! Classics like...