Cottage Care

What to do about invasive insects

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What to do about invasive insects

Date: 06/30/2018 | Source:

The southern pine beetle is finding its way north into Canada. There are a few ways we can slow its progress, however, like only buying local firewood that has been checked for invasive insects. Don't prune your trees between April and July because the insects may be attracted to the sap. "If you notice the signs and symptoms of an invasive insect, call the ministry of natural resources and forestry at 1-800-563-7711."

How to protect your trees from invasive insects

Although small, the southern pine beetle cuts a nasty trail. Native to the southeastern United States, the beetle has killed millions of acres worth of pine trees, costing the U.S. timber industry $1 billion in losses between 1999 and 2000. According to a Columbia University study, the southern pine beetle is expanding its territory north and could reach Nova Scotia by 2020.

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