Cottage Life

Cats and cottages

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Cats and cottages

Date: 07/30/2018 | Source:

"There’s something about a cat in the cottage setting, though, that feels particularly special to me, somehow novel and natural at once—as if they don’t quite belong and yet, with their innate wildness, clearly do." If you want to bring your feline friend to the cottage instead of leaving them behind, the first step is to get them used to the drive and associate it with positive things. If you do let your cat outside once you get there, make sure your cat is vaccinated and protected against fleas and ticks. Even then, it can be dangerous for your cat to be outside so consider only taking them out supervised or making a "catio."

A guide to bringing your cat to the cottage

While her sibling of the day, Caddy, proudly introduced me to such surprising creatures as ermines and flying squirrels by batting them from the cottage rafters, Wolfe just liked to chatter at birds, making that peculiar predatory vocalization that brings to mind a set of wind-up false teeth. One day, I heard her clacking in a different way, from outside the window. She seemed to have grown extra whiskers, which she was tapping against the glass. From the length of the handful of quills we plucked from her face, we surmised that she’d met a baby porcupine. How she walked...

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